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Numa Cadeira: um Ganso ao Colo,
um Cão aos Pés




Galeria Belard presents Numa Cadeira: um Ganso ao Colo, um Cão aos Pés, a solo exhibition by Ana Jacinto Nunes scheduled to open at 6pm on September 25, 2024. This exhibition presents a vast and diverse set of works by the artist, whose practice encompasses painting, drawing, ceramics and sculpture. ​


Her work explores how inapparent narratives are revealed through cycles of repetition and variation in shapes, figures and compositions. In Numa Cadeira: um Ganso ao Colo, um Cão aos Pés, the link between appearance and interiority; reality and fantasy is unveiled. Disconnected places emerge, where humans, animals, plants and everyday objects merge. Hybrids, yet recognizable, as anchors for thought and interpretation. Numa Cadeira: um Ganso ao Colo, um Cão aos Pés is a gateway to this production environment, through an installation that can be used freely, like an invitation from the artist to enter her home, which is also a studio, and take part in this waking dream whose meaning is revealed along the way.


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